Here are some explanations to some of the most frequently-used mental health terms.
Ranges from feeling a little bit anxious and noticing you feel stressed to full blown panic attacks where your heart races, breathing is difficult or it feels as if your head might explode.
An ongoing level of irritation, a deep sense of frustration or full rage which you act on by lashing out with words or physically.
Depression ranges from a feeling of ongoing low mood to not wanting to be alive. Everything might feel a huge effort. Depression affects everyone differently including difficulty sleeping to over-sleeping.
. . . is a way of linking thinking and behaving to essentially learn new ways to change our thinking. In turn this changes what and how we do things, that influences how we feel.
Person-centred is a specific type of counselling in which you are seen as the expert in yourself and the counsellor's role is to help you uncover the best solutions and ways forward with you.
. . . a consequence of a situation that was frightening. The fear doesn't seem to go away - you re-live it in nightmares or even daytime flashbacks.